We Are humans
Yes We Are humans
Hate us not if you can't love us
Bully us not if you can't help us
Think not about mishandling us if you can't
handle us
Don't condemn us if you can't console us
Walk in our shoes for a minute And respect us for
We need your empathy, not your sympathy
Matching on the road with our innocent eyes
You need not a second thought to be kind And
We breath like you
Sleep like you
Talk like you
And walk like you
Yes We Are humans
Just like you, we have blood running through our
We have heads And in it is our brains
We have hearts full of love, joy And pains
Unlike you, We read using our Brailles
We're not hopeless
We're not cowards
We're not animals in the zoo
Please don't treat us like lunatics
We Are humans
Yes We humans... but visually impaired
Mohammed Saani Firdaus Tiyumli
We Are humans
Yes We Are humans
Hate us not if you can't love us
Bully us not if you can't help us
Think not about mishandling us if you can't
handle us
Don't condemn us if you can't console us
Walk in our shoes for a minute And respect us for
We need your empathy, not your sympathy
Matching on the road with our innocent eyes
You need not a second thought to be kind And
We breath like you
Sleep like you
Talk like you
And walk like you
Yes We Are humans
Just like you, we have blood running through our
We have heads And in it is our brains
We have hearts full of love, joy And pains
Unlike you, We read using our Brailles
We're not hopeless
We're not cowards
We're not animals in the zoo
Please don't treat us like lunatics
We Are humans
Yes We humans... but visually impaired
Mohammed Saani Firdaus Tiyumli